Project Summary:

This project with Siemens involved the development and export of various screens that formed a complete user journey within the learning module. A system was designed where action controls and key elements maintained a consistent and intuitive position, optimizing information delivery and streamlining the completion of the different courses

Siemens Platform


The biggest challenge was to layout and organize the information in a balanced way, making it highly digestible for the user. Through a clear visual structure, the goal was to convey successes and mistakes during the evaluation stage, fostering recall and learning at every step. This was achieved while adhering to the corporate identity and aligning with the base navigation structure and guiding elements.


The solution was the creation of a template system for each phase, which streamlined the workflow and ensured an efficient final delivery. This ensured the fulfillment of the established visual and user experience objectives.


Design of learning platforms and the efficient and timely delivery of the required materials to the technical team.Design of learning platforms and the efficient and timely delivery of the required materials to the technical team.

Siemens Platform

Project Summary:

This project with Siemens involved the development and export of various screens that formed a complete user journey within the learning module. A system was designed where action controls and key elements maintained a consistent and intuitive position, optimizing information delivery and streamlining the completion of the different courses


The biggest challenge was to layout and organize the information in a balanced way, making it highly digestible for the user. Through a clear visual structure, the goal was to convey successes and mistakes during the evaluation stage, fostering recall and learning at every step. This was achieved while adhering to the corporate identity and aligning with the base navigation structure and guiding elements.


The solution was the creation of a template system for each phase, which streamlined the workflow and ensured an efficient final delivery. This ensured the fulfillment of the established visual and user experience objectives.


Design of learning platforms and the efficient and timely delivery of the required materials to the technical team.Design of learning platforms and the efficient and timely delivery of the required materials to the technical team.

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Siemens Platform

Project Summary:

This project with Siemens involved the development and export of various screens that formed a complete user journey within the learning module. A system was designed where action controls and key elements maintained a consistent and intuitive position, optimizing information delivery and streamlining the completion of the different courses


The biggest challenge was to layout and organize the information in a balanced way, making it highly digestible for the user. Through a clear visual structure, the goal was to convey successes and mistakes during the evaluation stage, fostering recall and learning at every step. This was achieved while adhering to the corporate identity and aligning with the base navigation structure and guiding elements.


The solution was the creation of a template system for each phase, which streamlined the workflow and ensured an efficient final delivery. This ensured the fulfillment of the established visual and user experience objectives.


Design of learning platforms and the efficient and timely delivery of the required materials to the technical team.Design of learning platforms and the efficient and timely delivery of the required materials to the technical team.

Let's Connect!


Available for Work
Available for Work

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